We know that as a member of your pet’s healthcare team, you depend on us to stay up to date with our recommendations. We also know that flea and tick, and heartworm prevention is a huge component to your pet’s overall health. With all of that in mind, we are updating our recommendations for these medications.
Simparica Trio is a great product that covers fleas, ticks, heartworms, and most intestinal parasites! This means that you can use a single product once a month to fully protect your dogs! It is documented save for puppies as young as 8 weeks and weighing over 2.8 pounds. It comes in a yummy chewable medicated treat!

Simparica is designed to protect your dog from fleas and ticks for a full month. Simparica has been shown to prevent Lyme disease transmission. It starts killing fleas in 3 hours and ticks in 8 hours! It is a once a month chewable medicated treat for dogs that is safe for dogs over the age of 6 months!

Proheart is an injection that protects your dog from Heartworm disease. We carry both the Proheart 6 and Proheart 12. The Proheart injections are a convenient and painless way to protect your dog from Heartworm Disease. Proheart injections are wonderful for those who forget to give monthly preventions, need a worry-free way to ensure their pet’s heartworm protection, or have a dog who won’t eat the medicated treats. Proheart 6 offers 6 months of protection while Proheart 12 offers 12 months of heartworm protection.
We will also be carrying Simparica that can be combined with Proheart to offer flea/tick and heartworm protection for those who do not wish to continue flea/tick protection in the winter months. We understand that many people are familiar with Heartgard, Bravecto and Frontline but as we learn more and as parasites evolve, we are finding new products that are safe and effective. For our feline friends, we will be carrying Revolution and Revolution Plus. We will be slowly transitioning over to carrying the Simparica and Revolution lines only but will still have other flea/tick and heartworm products available in our online pharmacy.
We fully trust these products and understand that any medication can carry risks of side effects so please be sure to talk with us if you have any questions or concerns.

Now, the fun part!! Since these products will be new to us, we have decided to do a giveaway!! When you buy Simparica, Revolution or Proheart for your pet you will be entered to win a Kindle Fire!! Also, we are recommending that all of our clients join the Zooetis Rewards program to get rebates on the products you buy, this is a great way get earn money for being a great pet parent!! Need a reminder to give your pet flea/tick and heartworm protection medications? You can sign up for reminders at https://www.zoetispetcare.com/!